It is the policy of St Kyrollos Family Clinic to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. Your medical records are confidential and we abide by the 10 National Privacy Principals available at patient must sign our privacy act statement. All communications regarding health information are to be handled with the patient consent.Your Personal Health Information and your Medical Record may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:•For communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied health professionals•For follow up reminder / recall notices•Accounting/Medicare/Health Insurance procedures•Quality Assurance activities such as accreditation•For disease notification as required by law (e.g. infectious diseases)•For use by all doctors in this practice when consulting with you•For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law (e.g. subpoena, court order, suspected child abuse)•For research purposes (de-identified, meaning you are not able to be identified from the information given)If you have any concerns or wish to restrict access to your personal health information please discuss with your doctor or receptionist. This practice adheres to principles of the RACGP Handbook for the Management of Health Information in Private Medical Practice and has a written policy, which is available to all patients for inspection.All St Kyrollos Family Clinic staff are experienced in medical services and committed to provide you with the best care. Please feel free to talk to the doctor or the receptionist about any problems you have with the service we provide. We believe problems are best dealt with within the practice. We invite you to use our suggestion box for any difficulties However if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside, you may wish to contact the Health Services Commissioner. The address is: Health Services Commissioner Level 30, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne, 3000 Phone: 8601 5222 Fax: 8601 5219
It is the policy of St Kyrollos Family Clinic to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. Your medical records are confidential and we abide by the 10 National Privacy Principals available at patient must sign our privacy act statement. All communications regarding health information are to be handled with the patient consent.Your Personal Health Information and your Medical Record may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:•For communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied health professionals•For follow up reminder / recall notices•Accounting/Medicare/Health Insurance procedures•Quality Assurance activities such as accreditation•For disease notification as required by law (e.g. infectious diseases)•For use by all doctors in this practice when consulting with you•For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law (e.g. subpoena, court order, suspected child abuse)•For research purposes (de-identified, meaning you are not able to be identified from the information given)If you have any concerns or wish to restrict access to your personal health information please discuss with your doctor or receptionist. This practice adheres to principles of the RACGP Handbook for the Management of Health Information in Private Medical Practice and has a written policy, which is available to all patients for inspection.All St Kyrollos Family Clinic staff are experienced in medical services and committed to provide you with the best care. Please feel free to talk to the doctor or the receptionist about any problems you have with the service we provide. We believe problems are best dealt with within the practice. We invite you to use our suggestion box for any difficulties However if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside, you may wish to contact the Health Services Commissioner. The address is: Health Services Commissioner Level 30, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne, 3000 Phone: 8601 5222 Fax: 8601 5219